Year: 2019 | Month: June | Volume 9 | Issue 1

MTech in IT and Computing Areas with a Proposed Model in MTech in Information Assurance: Indian Context

DOI:Coming soon...


Information is the driving force in today’s age. Each and every organizations and institutions depend on information and contents. For managing information and contents different tools and technologies are being used. The huge amount of information leads to the concepts of securing such information. Today computers are the most important tool for information related activities leading to collection, selection, organization, processing, management, and dissemination so its security is also an important concerned. Information Assurance is a field of study and practice responsible for data and information privacy including securing devices and systems holds information. The field is very close with few other domains viz. IT Security, information security, computer security, etc. Internationally many universities have started programs on Information Assurance and allied fields as a merged domain viz. Information Assurance and Cyber Security. Important to note that in India exact specialization on Information Assurance till not offered in any of the educational levels; though few universities have provided allied fields as a program of study. In India, IT and Computing Masters are available in two tracks; first as Science program viz. M.Sc. and another is MTech. In both, Information Assurance can be a new and innovative program as a super specialty or emerging field in IT. However, this paper is proposed on M.Tech. in Information Assurance and allied field with possible proposed curricula

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